Biography of Dr. Shaykh Muhammad al-Saeedi

Dr. Muhammad al-Saeedi is a British scholar. He is a member of the UK Fatwa Committee. He has studied traditionally with a group of well-known scholars of Yemen and received a number of ijazahs from them in various Islamic sciences. From the most well-known scholars who he studied under and received ijazah from is Qadi Muhammad ibn Isma’il al-Amrani, ‘Allamah Qassim al- Qudami, as well as ‘Allamah Dr. Abdel Karim Zaidan, and others.

Dr. Mohammad was able to add structured academic studies to his classical studies of the Islamic sciences. He completed a Bachelors (BA), Masters (MA), and Doctorate (PhD) in Islamic Law.

Academic Ijazahs:

  • Ijazah in Quran in three modes of recitation.
  • Ijazah from Qadi Muhammad ibn Isma’il al-‘Amrani.
  • Ijazah in the Shafi’i madhhab from the Shafi’i scholar Shaykh Qasim ibn Bahr al-Qudaimi al-Yemeni (may Allah preserve him).
  • Ijazah from the ‘Allamah Shaykh Muhammad ibn Yusuf Harbah.
  • Ijazah from the Faqih (jurist) Shaykh Abdullah ibn Abdullah ibn Yahya al-Sha’bi al-Zabidi.
  • Several Ijazahs from the Muhaqqiq Shaykh Abdullah ibn Yusuf al-Judai’.

Work and Professional Experience:

  • Dr. Mohammad was a former Teacher of Islamic Studies at the Arabic School in Birmingham.
  • Previous Khateeb and Religious Consultant at the Risalah Islamic Institute.
  • Former Lecturer in Hadith and Hadith Sciences, and the Fiqh of Financial Transactions at the European Institute of Human Sciences, Birmingham.
  • Lecturer of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh at Madinah International University (online).
  • President of the Islamic University of Minnesota (the UK Branch).
  • Member of the Fatwa Council of Britain.
  • He has taken part in many academic and da’wah related conferences in and out of the UK.

Research and Publications:

A number of research papers have been written by the Dr including:

  • Al-Imam al-Shawkani wa Ara-uhu al-‘Ilmiyyah (Imam al-Shawkani and his Opinions).
  • I’lam al-Anam bi-Ahkam al-Siyyam (The Rulings of Fasting)
  • Araa al-Imam al-San’ani wa mada tawafuqiha ma’a araa al-Sahabah. A Masters (MA) dissertation.
  • Al-Faskh al-Qada’i li ‘Aqd al-Nikah wa tatbiqatuh (Judicial Nullification of Marriage Contracts and its practical implementation). A Doctoral (PhD) thesis.
  • Al-Khalal fi Fahm al-Nusus al-Shar’iyyah wa ‘Alaqatuhu bi-l Tatarruf wa-l Ghulu. This was a research paper presented at a conference.